Books For Sale

These are all books from commercial or academic publishers. Even though they’re spread across twenty years and quite different than one another, I’m proud of them all. As one is of each of one’s children, right?

These are all available for purchase by following the links below.

Program Assessment in Architecture and Design Education: Methods and Strategies for Continual Improvement on Your Own Terms (2021, Association of Collegiate Schools of Architecture). A hopeful and plainspoken book about the ways that assessment can help us live up to our own best aspirations.

The Adjunct Underclass: How America’s Colleges Betrayed Their Teachers, Their Students, and Their Mission (2019, University of Chicago Press). My farewell to academia, in the form of a careful argument about how the adjunctification of the faculty is merely the visible symptom of an ecological collapse.

The PhDictionary: A Glossary of Things You Don’t Know (but Should) About Doctoral and Faculty Life (2016, University of Chicago Press). A lighthearted examination of nearly 150 terms and concepts that will absolutely hinder your academic life if you don’t understand their meaning, or their importance, or their subtexts.

Landscapes of Betrayal, Landscapes of Joy: Curtisville in the Lives of its Teenagers (2000, State University of New York Press). How American teenagers make use of—and make sense of—their physical surroundings, and why our schools, cities, and homes are too often an oppressive fit for our kids.